Abaixo do Paraíso

Abaixo do Paraíso
Right below Paradise

by André De Leones

Editora Rocco, 2016
256 pages
14×21 cm

With an on edge language, this novel accompanies its main character in his at- tempts to find his place in the world and to find himself once again.

Cristiano is a fugitive, he seems not to know from whom or what. When the story begins he is wandering around Goiânia, in central Brazil, after having traveled aimlessly for five months. Now he needs a job again, so he has to go back to what he was doing before: being a handyman for illicit businesses.
He used to worked with local politicians, helping them in secundary tasks like bringing their lovers to the dentist or in more important activities, such as bringing free goods to the allies during election campaigns. He was just one of the pieces that made the gear work.
Now that he is back, his first job is that of bringing money to one of the
city councilors in exchange of an envelope with informations on a political opponent. It’s an easy task, or so it seems until something happens and a violent crime takes place on the spot of the exchange.
Cristiano now has one more reason to run away and find a place to hide. He then decides to go back to his family, his “purgatory”, from which he had been away for a long time.
A Brazilian hard boiled novel about a man trying to escape from hell on Earth to get, at least, right below Paradise.

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«In his best novel, André de Leones shows an ever changing country.»
O Globo

«André de Leones’ novel shows unsettling details of the human experience. He’s a writer that knows how to build a great novel.»
Estado de São Paulo

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Represented in collaboration with MTS Agência

André de Leones (1980) is the author of the novels Eufrates (2018), Abaixo do paraíso (2016), Terra de casas vazias (2013), Dentes negros (2011), Como desa- parecer completamente (2010) e Hoje está um dia morto (2006), winner of the Prêmio Sesc 2005.

* For any info about André de Leones’ other publications please contact us at info@redondobooks.com *

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