Autopsie d’une femme plate

Autopsie d’une femme plate
Autopsy of a Boring Wife
by Marie-Renée Lavoie
Éditions XYZ, 2017
248 pages
14×21 cm

A wonderfully fresh and engaging novel of the pitfalls and missteps of an apparently “boring” life that could be any of ours.

Like a Québécois Bridget Jones’s Diary, Marie-Renée Lavoie’s third novel tells the hysterically funny and ultimately touching tale of forty-eight-year-old Diane, a woman whose husband leaves her and is having an affair because, he says, she bores him.
Diane takes the charge to heart and undertakes an often ribald, highly entertaining journey to restoring trust in herself and others that is at the same time an astute commentary on women and girls, gender differences, and the curious institution of marriage in the twenty-first century.
All the details are up for scrutiny in this tender, brisk story of the path to recovery.

Here you can download an English BOOK PROFILE

«Employing the tone and construction of a classic comedy, here’s a novel that engulfs us in the wake of a woman on the verge of an unabating ner- vous breakdown . . . wacky, scathing humour, good dialogue and assuredly lively.»
Le Devoir

Rights sold: Czech Republic, English, French exc. N. America, Italian, Romanian, French Audio, Drama Rights, Movie Rights.
Rights available in Brazil

Marie-Renée Lavoie has won numerous awards (including, with La petite et le vieux, the Archambault emerging talent prize and the Combat des livres Radio-Canada). Her novel Les chars meurent also was chosen by Quebec City in the spring of 2019 for the Une ville, un livre campaign. Autopsy of a Flat Woman, the first volume of the adventures of Diane Delaunais which continue in Diane demands a recount, has been published in France, English Canada and Germany, and has sold over 10,000 copies.

* For any info about Marie-Renée Lavoie’s other publications please contact us at *

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