La banda del pallone, l’allenatore migliore del mondo

The Football Gang, the Best Coach in the World
by Enrico Nebbioso Martini, Loris De Marco

Tunué, 2024
160 pages
17×24 cm

For all those who love playing with friends and feel part of a team.

Quit the chit-chat, it’s time to play!
The final stage of the Fut-Rua tournament has finally started, and Matteo and his team can’t wait to face the strongest teams in the competition. But someone is trying to mess things up for them…who could hate street soccer so much to be willing to erase it from the face of the earth?

Rights available in all territories

Enrico Nebbioso Martini has been active as a writer and screenwriter for several years. He founded Cyrano Comics, one of the longest-running self-production groups in Italy. He collaborates with various publishing companies such as Noise Press, Weird Comic, Shockdom, Reika Manga, and Tunué. He writes for advertising and fiction, and has participated in numerous anthologies.

Loris De Marco studied at the Comics School in Milan. He collaborates with various companies creating illustrations, storyboards and concepts. He made his debut in the world of comics by drawing short stories in self-productions (Cyrano). As a colorist he collaborated with Greta Xella in the stories created for Renbooks, Effequ, and Attaccapanni Press. Passionate about calligraphy, he creates logos and titles for books and games (Karmapolis, Heart-shaped Mouth, Historia).

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