O corpo interminável

O corpo interminável
The infinite body
by Claudia Lage
Editora Record, 2019
196 pages
16×23 cm

Claudia Lage wrote a story about absence and the (im)possibility of re-inventing one’s story through words. It’s a family story that wants to be remembered.

Daniel wants to know more about his origins, so he tries to rebuild his mother’s story. His mother was a guerrillera who disappeared during the Brazilian dictatorship of the 1960-1980s. The broken track of memory and the will of reconstructing what happened to his family, and then to him, give shape to the whole narration. While looking for informations about his mother, Daniel finds many similar stories — or different versions of that same story — of other women desaparecidas. They were not fighting because they were following a man, as sometimes even their own families choose to believe, they were there because they dreamt of justice and freedom.
This novel tells the story of many women that lived during and after the Brazilian dictatorship, and it dares to touch the open wounds and to show us the brutality of a time that keeps affecting the lives of many, even if there is still someone that tries to deny what happened.
Many women, many different stories are here united in one single narration. This is also a novel about love, a kind of love that protects the victims and refuses to embrace the oppressors.

Here you can download an English BOOK PROFILE

«Because physical violence on a woman, on a mother, is a kind of pain that touches all of us.»
Tatiana Salem Levy, Valor Econômico

Finalist of the Prêmio São Paulo 2020.

Rights available in all territories
Represented in collaboration with MTS Agência

Claudia Lage is a Brazilian writer and scriptwriter. She’s the author of the collection of short stories A pequena morte e outras naturezas, of the novel Mundos de Eufrásia (Record 2009), finalist of the Prêmio São Paulo de Literatura 2010. In 2013 she launched the book Labirinto da palavra (Record 2013), a collection of essays and articles about literature and literary creation. In 2014 it won the Prêmio de Literatura de Brasília and was among the finalists of the Prêmio Portugal Telecom. As a scriptwriter she worked with TV Globo and with Conspiração Filmes, among others. She teaches scriptwriting and creative writing in Rio de Janeiro. 

* For any info about Claudia Lage’s other publications please contact us at info@redondobooks.com *

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