
O sorriso da hienaThe smiling hyenaby Gustavo ÁvilaVerus, 2017266 pages15×23 cm Through the narration of a series of mysterious crimes, Gustavo Ávila reflects on the origin of evil and on 
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Glóriaby Victor HeringerCompanhia das Letras, 2012296 pages14×21 cm The skillful narration of the life of a peculiar family struggling with hypocondria and with their peculiar way to face life. Glória 
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As PerguntasQuestionsby Antônio Xerxenesky Companhia das Letras, 2017184 pages14×21 cm A book that questions the thin line between reason and superstition through the eyes of a young woman who finds 
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Abaixo do ParaísoRight below Paradiseby André De Leones Editora Rocco, 2016256 pages14×21 cm With an on edge language, this novel accompanies its main character in his at- tempts to find 
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O som do rugido da onçaThe Sound of a Roaring Jaguarby Micheliny Verunschk Companhia das Letras, 2021168 pages14×21 cm In this lyrical novel, Micheliny Verunschk exposes the story of two 
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De espaços abandonadosAbandoned Placesby Luisa Geisler Alfaguara, 2018416 pages15×23 cm A polyphonic book about looking for someone and getting lost in the process. Luisa Geisler builds a mosaic of engaging 
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Boa noite, AmazonaGood Night, Amazonby Manoel Herzog Alfaguara, 2019136 pages15×23 cm With an agile, sparkling and ironic prose, Manoel Herzog emerges as one of the most distinctive voices in contemporary 
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Como se estivéssemos em palimpsesto de putasAs if this was a prostitute showby Elvira Vigna Companhia das Letras, 2016216 pages14×21 cm A multidimensional story about relationships, power, lies and imagination. 
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Trilogia infernalThe Infernal Trilogyby Micheliny Verunschk Editora Patuá, 2020399 pages16×23 cm Micheliny Verunschk’s Trilogia Infernal is the collection of her three novels set between the years of Brazil’s military dictatorship 
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Os Tais CaquinhosThe Broken Onesby Natércia PontesCompanhia das Letras, 2021144 pages14×21 cm A powerful and harsh novel about a family, a messy apartment and the painful discoveries of adolescence. Many things 
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CrocodiloCrocodileby Javier Arancibia ContrerasCompanhia das Letras, 2019184 pages14×21 cm An emotional story about family, fatherhood and the changes that growing old brings to everyone’s lives. Losing his only son puts 
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O melindre nos dentes da besta by Carol Rodrigues7Letras, 2019164 pages14×21 cm Through a maze of memories and language, this story guides us to the discovery of the events that 
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O corpo interminávelThe infinite bodyby Claudia LageEditora Record, 2019196 pages16×23 cm Claudia Lage wrote a story about absence and the (im)possibility of re-inventing one’s story through words. It’s a family 
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Cancúnby Miguel Del CastilloCompanhia das Letras, 2019168 pages14×21 cm Set between the Barra da Tijuca and the Mexican seaside of Cancún, this touching bildungsroman is a mix of rarely-found honesty 
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Taccuino delle piccole occupazioniby Graziano Graziani Tunué, 2020228 pages15×21 cm A novel about missed opportunities. Through its fractured structure it questions the readers about chance, the simultaneity of events, and 
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Configurazione TundraStructure: Tundraby Elena Giorgiana Mirabelli Tunué, 2020106 pages15×21 cm A sharp and delicate story that takes place in a future not far from our times. A dystopian reality built on 
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TalibTalibby Bruno Tosatti Tunué, 2019216 pages15×21 cm A tale that drives inspiration from Dungeons & Dragons and the Dune cycle. Talib is a poor knob shiner at the Babilonian court. 
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RicresciteRegrowthby Sergio Nelli Tunué, 2018117 pages15×21 cm An exploration on crisis, reaction and the complex relationship that links us to other humans and to nature. Rebirth is a complex act: 
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