Samir Machado de Machado

O crime do bom nazistaThe Crime of the Good Naziby Samir Machado de Machado Todavia Livros 2023128 pages14×21 cm An irresistible homage to the best crime literature of all times. 
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Corpos SecosDry Bodiesby Luisa Geisler, Marcelo Ferroni, Natalia Borges Polesso, Samir Machado de Machado Alfaguara, 2021192 pages15×23 cm In this eight-handed novel, a fatal disease plagues Brazil, turning the country 
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Tupinilândiaby Samir Machado de Machado Todavia Livros, 2018448 pages16×23 cm A secret amusement park becomes the headquarters of a fascist colony whose members ignore what’s been going on in the 
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